The Attorney General, Kiryowa Kiwanuka has filed a notice of Appeal blocking today’s Hon. Zaake’s Court ruling.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW:Earlier today, the Constitutional Court in Kampala quashed a resolution by Parliament to suspend Mityana Municipality MP, Francis Zaake, from the position of parliamentary commissioner. This decision comes after the court ruled that several parliamentary rules of procedure were illegally suspended. These suspensions included amending the order paper to include a resolution to expel Zaake from the commission.However, Our inside source has revealed to us that the this could be temporally happiness for the legislator after the Attorney General filed an appeal in the ruling today afternoon.

Read here – Analysis of the Zaake Judgement by a Practicing renowned Lawyer.1. The conduct of Members of Parliament even though online, must conform to the code that they agreed upon when they passed the rules of procedure of the 11th Parliament.2.Parlaiment did not abdicate its responsibility to provide for different quorums for different purposes as it is required by article 88.The Rules of procedure of Parliament in respect to Quorum are therefore consistent with Article 88(2)of the constitution.3. I would therefore find that the quorum of the committee on rules ,privileges and discipline on signing the report on the inquiry into allegations of misconduct and misbehavior against Hon Zaake ,was consistent with both Rules 197(1)and (2) of the Rules of procedure and that in addition ,

the report of the committee on rules was a valid report pursuant to the Rules of procedure of Parliament and the code of conduct thereunder ,consistent with Rules 85 and 175 thereof.4. The order to annul the report of the committee on Rules, privileges and privilege on the investigation against the alleged misconduct and misbehavior of Hon Francis Zaake Butebi is denied; Parliament may implement the recommendations in the report in conformity with the Law.


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