The Parliament of Uganda hosted a vigil and prayers for the late Hon. Sarah Mateke, with ceremonies beginning at the South parking lot. Her body arrived for prayers led by the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Dr. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu. Members of the cabinet and Parliament gathered to pay their respects.

During the intercession, James Nsaba Buturo (Bufumbira East) expressed gratitude for Mateke’s life, emphasizing unity and seeking grace for her family and those she impacted. Archbishop Kaziimba shared his grief over her untimely death, praising Mateke as a humble and devoted churchgoer. He reflected on death’s inevitability and prayed for strength for MPs, noting the loss of several parliamentary members recently. Kaziimba also touched on the growing fear of poison among leaders, acknowledging its effect on gatherings.

Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, recounted the moments surrounding Mateke’s passing and stressed the need for reflection in life. Among committed to supporting Mateke’s young son, vowing that Parliament, like Liverpool Football Club’s motto, will ensure “you will never walk alone.”

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja shared that President Museveni had adjourned a Cabinet sitting early to allow members to pay tribute. The President is expected to join the mourners at Parliament tomorrow. Archbishop Kaziimba concluded the prayers, encouraging mourners to place their trust in God and live with hope.

Justice Christopher Gashirabake, a close family member, expressed appreciation to Speaker Among and Parliament for their support. The Minister of Defence, Hon. Oboth Oboth, praised Mateke’s legacy of service and dedication, while NRM Secretary General Richard Todwong remembered her efforts against tribal politics.

The body will remain at Parliament for the public to pay their respects before being transported to her residence in Nsangi for a night vigil.


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