On August 10, 2024, a devastating landslide struck the Kiteezi Dumpsite community in Kampala, Uganda, resulting in tragic loss of lives, destruction of homes, and the displacement of numerous families, including children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
In response to this tragedy, Ugandan chef Dorcus Basheba Kirabo, widely known as Mama D, took to her X (Twitter) handle to express her desire to assist those affected. Her plea for support was met with generosity from people like Mr. Cedric Mulindwa, who contributed 1.2 million UGX to match Mama D’s budget. Additionally, she received five boxes of sanitary pads from PadsQi, which were distributed by Kelly Taremwa, the President of the International Biometric Society, Uganda.
Mama D has been serving free meals to the landslide victims, offering much-needed relief to the affected families during this difficult time. Her selfless efforts have been widely praised, highlighting the power of community support and compassion in the face of adversity.