Colt Gray Dad Colin Called Him ‘Sissy’ & ‘Bitch’ … Bought Rifle to ‘Toughen’ Him Up

The family of accused Apalachee High School shooter Colt Gray is calling out bullying at the hands of the suspect’s father, Colin Gray.

A relative of Colt’s mother said the Gray patriarch felt his 14-year-old was too “tender” and began calling him names — “sissy” and “bitch” — to underscore his disdain … this according to the NY Post.

The relative claims Colin bought his son an AR-15 style rifle for XMAS to “toughen him up.” The rifle is the weapon Colt allegedly used when he shot up his high school, leaving 4 dead and 9 injured.

As for the verbal mistreatment, the relative believes Colin was trying to “break him down and emasculate him.”


She added … “That whole mentality of toughening him up and making him stronger. That was Colin’s top priority, and you see where that got us.”

Charles Polhamus, Colt’s grandfather, expressed a similar sentiment … painting Colin as an “evil” and abusive figure in the teenager’s life, saying, “Spending 11 years with that son of a bitch screaming and hollering every day — it can affect anybody. He was a good kid turned bad in a bad situation.”

Colt has been charged with 4 counts of murder and is being tried as an adult for the shooting, prosecutors confirmed last week. If convicted, he could be sentenced to life in prison.

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As for Colin, he has been charged with 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter, 2 counts of second-degree murder, and 8 counts of cruelty to children in the second degree for allowing his son to possess a weapon.

He currently faces up to 180 years in prison if convicted on all charges.

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