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Tamale Mirundi

Kyengera Church priests are said to have declined to hold a requiem mass for the late Joseph Tamale Mirundi.

It is reported that the decision was reached by the Church leaders because of the absence of the late family members during the mass.

The update was shared by the self-styled gossip new president Josephat Sseguya on Bukedde TV.

Kelezia e Kyengera eganye okusabira Tamale Mirundi kuba ffamire ye babadde tebagiraba mu kusaba. Josephat Sseguya.

Following the proceedings of the burial, the person in charge of implementing Tamale Mirundi’s WILL said they are trying to make sure that everything he stated is done.

He noted how they are moving his corpse to his different homes and slaughtering two bulls to serve the mourners.

Today and tomorrow, the mourners will spend the night in Kyengera and on Sunday the body will be taken to his home village.

However, the only thing that could seem impossible is to bury him vertically.


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