Legislators have reiterated the call to address the increasing cases of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) that are claiming lives, as Parliament paid heartfelt tribute to the late State Minister of Defence, Sarah Mateke Nyirabashitsi.

The late Hon. Nyirabashitsi, who also served as the Kisoro District Woman Representative in Parliament, passed away from a heart attack on Saturday, 7 September 2024.

The Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business, Robinah Nabbanja, who introduced the motion to honor Nyirabashitsi, acknowledged the government’s awareness of the devastating impact of NCDs such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension, which, although preventable, are among the leading causes of death.

“As we honor our departed colleague, let me emphasize that Non-Communicable Diseases pose a significant threat to our society, taking away key contributors to the development of our nation, like Hon. Sarah Mateke,” Nabbanja stated during the parliamentary session chaired by Speaker Anita Among on Tuesday, 10 September 2024.

She highlighted the policies and programs, such as the 2015 National Non-Communicable Diseases Policy and the National Non-Communicable Diseases Control Programme, designed to bolster efforts in the fight against these diseases.

“Government has integrated non-communicable disease services into primary healthcare, established specialized clinics and treatment centers, and trained healthcare professionals in NCD management,” she explained.

Nabbanja also mentioned a new initiative called ‘Healthy Heart Africa,’ aimed at promoting cardiovascular health through partnerships with civil society organizations to raise awareness about NCDs.

In a glowing tribute, legislators described Nyirabashitsi as a woman of integrity, whose service as a Member of Parliament, Minister, and former Senior Assistant Town Clerk for Kisoro Town Council was free from scandals.

“In the six months she served at the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs, not a single scandal was linked to her, such as misusing fuel, which in the Ministry of Defence could have serious consequences,” said Hon. Jacob Oboth, the Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs.

He praised Nyirabashitsi as a team player who worked with diligence and competence, often entrusting her with high-stakes assignments.

“She participated in many international military and defence-related events, a responsibility you can only delegate to someone capable of executing tasks at a global level,” Oboth added.

The Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Joel Ssenyonyi, testified to the integrity with which Nyirabashitsi carried out her ministerial duties and applauded her commitment to improving the lives of youth and children.

“With corruption continuing to plague our country, I never heard Hon. Mateke’s name entangled in any corruption scandal during her service. If there was one, I missed it,” said Ssenyonyi, adding, “When you disagreed with her, it was hard to have a feud because of her calmness. She had a way of disarming you with her gentleness.”

Legislators who were close to Nyirabashitsi commended her deep passion for the people she represented in Parliament, noting she spent most of her time in the constituency and was rarely late or absent from cabinet meetings.

Her dedication to youth and children stood out in her tributes, with particular praise for her advocacy for teenage pregnant girls to continue their education after the COVID-19 pandemic.

“She fought for policies allowing teenage pregnant students to take their exams, and all of them excelled,” said Hon. Betty Amongi, the Minister of Gender, Labour, and Social Development.

Legislators also expressed hope that Nyirabashitsi’s advocacy for rehabilitating street children would continue. Amongi noted that only Shs20 million was allocated for this cause, which she said was insufficient to make a meaningful difference.

The Vice-President, H.E Jessica Alupo, urged legislators to emulate Nyirabashitsi’s unifying character, a legacy, she said, celebrated both in Kisoro and political circles.

“When I attended the installation of the Bishop of Muhabura Diocese in Kisoro, several leaders spoke highly of Mateke and her family, particularly for their role in uniting Kisoro’s politicians. Even the Bishop made a remark about her role in fostering unity,” Alupo recounted.

The late Nyirabashitsi, survived by a son, will be laid to rest in Nyakabingo, Kisoro, on Thursday, 12 September 2024.


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