Emilian Starz, born Emily Fortunate, is quickly becoming a household name in Uganda’s vibrant music scene. With her unique blend of soulful and contemporary sounds, she has captivated audiences and garnered a dedicated fanbase. Signed under Black Market Records, Emilian’s journey from a church choir member to a rising star is nothing short of inspiring. In this exclusive interview with Showbiz Uganda (SB), she shares her story, creative process, and aspirations for the future.

SB: What inspired you to pursue a career in music?
Emilian Starz: My journey into music began in school and church, where I often participated in competitions and performances. These early experiences ignited a deep passion for music within me. I realized that music was more than just a hobby; it was a way for me to express myself, tell my story, and inspire others. The joy I felt while performing, combined with the positive impact I could have on others, motivated me to pursue a career in music. I wanted to create something meaningful that would resonate with people on a deep level.

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SB: How did you come up with your stage name, Emilian Starz?
Emilian Starz: My stage name, “Emilian Starz,” is closely tied to my birth name, Emily Fortunate. I wanted a name that would reflect both my identity and my ambitions in the music industry. “Emilian” is a play on my first name, while “Starz” symbolizes my desire to shine brightly and leave a lasting impact in the music world. The name represents my journey and the goals I have set for myself as an artist.

SB: Can you tell us about your journey to signing with Black Market Records?
Emilian Starz: My journey to Black Market Records was an exciting and unexpected one. It all started when I did a cover of B2C’s “Mundawo,” which went viral on social media. The response was overwhelming, and it caught the attention of Black Market Records. They recognized my talent and potential, which led to my signing with them in June 2021. Before that, I had released my debut single, “Byokola,” which was a significant step in my career. Signing with Black Market Records was a dream come true, as it provided me with the platform and resources to take my music to the next level.

SU: What was the first song you ever wrote, and what was it about?
Emilian Starz: The first song I ever wrote was “Byokola,” a deeply personal and emotional track produced by Johnie Beats. This song is a heartfelt tribute to my mother, who has been my biggest supporter throughout my life. It’s a reflection of the love and appreciation I have for her unwavering support and sacrifices. Writing “Byokola” was an emotional experience for me, as it allowed me to express my gratitude and love in a way that words alone couldn’t capture. It’s a song that holds a special place in my heart and serves as a reminder of the strong bond I share with my mother.

SU: How would you describe your music style to someone who hasn’t heard it before?
Emilian Starz: My music style is a unique blend of soulful melodies and contemporary sounds, making it versatile and relatable to a wide audience. I draw inspiration from both traditional Ugandan music and modern influences, creating a sound that is both familiar and fresh. My songs often carry deep emotions and stories that listeners can connect with on a personal level. Whether it’s a love ballad or an upbeat track, my goal is to create music that resonates with people and leaves a lasting impression.

SU: Which artists have influenced your sound the most?
Emilian Starz: My sound has been shaped by a variety of artists, particularly those I admired during my time in school and church. These early influences were a mix of gospel and secular music, which helped me develop a sound that is both spiritual and contemporary. Artists like Fille Mutoni have had a significant impact on me, not only because of their music but also because of their ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level. I strive to bring that same level of connection and authenticity to my own music.

SU: If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Emilian Starz: If I had the opportunity to collaborate with any artist, it would be with someone whose music deeply resonates with me. I would love to work with a soulful artist like Whitney Houston, whose voice and emotional depth have always inspired me. Collaborating with an artist of her caliber would not only be an incredible learning experience but also an opportunity to create something truly special that could touch the hearts of many.

SU: What’s the story behind your latest single?
Emilian Starz: My latest single, “Nvuga,” is a love story that explores the depths of emotional surrender in a relationship. The song tells the story of a woman who is deeply in love and willing to give herself completely to her partner. It’s about trust, vulnerability, and the willingness to let someone else take the reins in your life. The lyrics are personal and reflective, and the melody carries a soulful and romantic vibe that I hope listeners will connect with.

SU: Many people say you sound like Fille Mutoni—what’s your take on that comparison?
Emilian Starz: I’ve heard the comparison to Fille Mutoni quite a bit, and I take it as a compliment because she’s an incredible artist. However, I believe that while there may be similarities in our voices or styles, I have my own unique sound and identity as an artist. My goal is to carve out my own path in the music industry, and I’m confident that my music will continue to reflect my individuality and the unique experiences that shape my songs.

SU: Do you have a favorite song of your own that you love performing?
Emilian Starz: “Byokola” will always be one of my favorite songs to perform. It’s my debut single, and it holds so much personal significance to me. Performing it allows me to relive the emotions I felt while writing it, and I can see how much it resonates with my fans when I sing it live. The connection I feel with the audience during this song is powerful, and it reminds me of why I chose to pursue music in the first place.

SU: What’s your creative process like when writing new music?
Emilian Starz: My creative process is deeply influenced by my personal experiences and emotions. I draw inspiration from everyday life, whether it’s something I’ve gone through at school, in church, or in my personal relationships. When I sit down to write, I focus on channeling those emotions into my music, creating something that is both meaningful and relatable. Sometimes, the process is spontaneous, and a melody or lyric will come to me out of the blue. Other times, it requires more reflection and introspection. But in the end, it’s always about telling a story that resonates with others.

SU: How do you handle creative blocks or moments when you feel uninspired?
Emilian Starz: Creative blocks are something every artist faces, and when they happen, I try to revisit my early influences or seek new experiences to reignite my creativity. Sometimes, taking a break and stepping away from music for a while can help clear my mind and bring fresh ideas. Other times, I immerse myself in different forms of art, like reading or watching films, to spark new inspiration. It’s important to stay patient and trust that creativity will return when the time is right.

SU: What’s the most memorable moment in your music career so far?
Emilian Starz: One of the most memorable moments in my music career was signing with Black Market Records in 2021. It was a significant milestone that affirmed my talent and potential as an artist. Being recognized by a major label was a dream come true, and it marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter in my career. That moment gave me the confidence to keep pushing forward and to continue pursuing my dreams in the music industry.

SU: If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Emilian Starz: If I could perform anywhere in the world, I would choose a global stage where I could connect with fans from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Music is a universal language, and I believe that performing on an international stage would allow me to share my message and music with a wider audience. Whether it’s a major music festival or a concert in a different country, the idea of connecting with people from all walks of life through music is incredibly exciting to me.

SU: How do you balance your personal life with your music career?
Emilian Starz: Balancing my personal life with my music career can be challenging, but for me, music is a passion that comes naturally. I find that when I’m in a happy and inspired space, creating new content becomes effortless. I make sure to take time for myself and my loved ones, which helps me stay grounded and focused. It’s important to me to maintain that balance, as it allows me to give my best in both my personal life and my music career.

SU: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received in the music industry?
Emilian Starz: The best advice I’ve received in the music industry is to stay true to your passion, remain humble, and build strong relationships with fellow artists. The music industry can be tough, but by staying authentic and cultivating a supportive network,

SU: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received in the music industry?
Emilian Starz: The best advice I’ve ever received in the music industry is to stay true to my passion and remain humble. It’s easy to get caught up in the pressures of the industry, but keeping my feet on the ground and remembering why I started in the first place helps me stay focused. Additionally, building strong relationships with fellow artists and industry professionals has been invaluable. There’s so much to learn from others, and these connections not only open doors but also provide a support system that can help navigate the challenges of the industry.

SU: Do you have any pre-show rituals or routines that help you get ready to perform?
Emilian Starz: Before any performance, I have a few rituals that help me center myself and get into the right mindset. I always start with a prayer, asking for guidance and strength. This spiritual preparation helps calm my nerves and reminds me of my purpose. I also take a few moments to mentally visualize the performance, imagining the energy of the crowd and the emotions I want to convey through my music. These routines help me feel grounded and ready to give my best on stage.

SU: What’s the craziest thing that’s happened to you on tour or during a performance?
Emilian Starz: One of the craziest experiences I’ve had during a performance happened in Nansana. I was on stage performing my song “Dictionary,” and the crowd’s energy was just electric. Out of nowhere, fans started rushing the stage, singing every single lyric along with me. It was overwhelming in the best way possible! Their love and enthusiasm were incredible, and it was a moment that made me realize just how much my music resonates with people. It was chaotic but also one of the most memorable and heartwarming experiences of my career.

SU: How do you connect with your fans, and what’s the most meaningful interaction you’ve had with one?
Emilian Starz: Connecting with my fans is something I take very seriously. I use social media to stay in touch with them, sharing updates about my music, behind-the-scenes moments, and personal reflections. I also make an effort to respond to messages and comments because I want my fans to know that their support means the world to me. One of the most meaningful interactions I’ve had was when a fan reached out to me and offered to write me a song. It was such a touching gesture, and it showed me just how deeply my music had impacted them. Moments like that remind me why I do what I do.

SU: What message do you hope your music conveys to your listeners?
Emilian Starz: I hope that my music inspires and empowers my listeners. I want my songs to connect with people on an emotional level, offering them solace, understanding, and a sense of belonging. Whether I’m singing about love, personal growth, or the challenges of life, my goal is to create music that speaks to the heart and encourages people to stay true to themselves. I want my listeners to feel seen, heard, and uplifted through my music.

SU: If you weren’t a musician, what do you think you’d be doing right now?
Emilian Starz: If I weren’t a musician, I think I might have pursued another creative path. I’ve always been drawn to the arts, so perhaps I would have explored acting, writing, or even visual arts. Alternatively, I’ve always had a fascination with medicine and helping others, so I might have followed my early aspirations of becoming a doctor. But no matter what path I would have taken, I know it would have involved some form of creativity and a desire to make a positive impact on the world.

SU: What’s one thing about you that your fans might be surprised to learn?
Emilian Starz: One thing that might surprise my fans is just how deeply rooted I am in my faith and family. I come from a humble, God-centered background, and my spirituality plays a significant role in my life and music. Despite the challenges and pressures of the music industry, I stay grounded by leaning on my faith and maintaining a strong connection with my family and close friends. This support system is what keeps me focused and motivated, and it’s something I’m incredibly grateful for.

SU: How do you stay grounded and focused with the pressures of the music industry?
Emilian Starz: Staying grounded in the music industry can be tough, but for me, it all comes down to faith and family. My spirituality is a big part of who I am, and it helps me stay centered no matter what challenges come my way. I also rely heavily on my family—they are my biggest supporters and keep me humble and focused. Surrounding myself with positive, genuine people who have my best interests at heart helps me navigate the pressures of the industry without losing sight of what truly matters.

SU: What can we expect from you in the next year—any new projects or collaborations in the works?

Emilian Starz: The next year is going to be very exciting! I’m currently in the studio working on some fresh new projects that I can’t wait to share with my fans. There are a few collaborations in the pipeline as well, though I can’t reveal too much just yet. What I can say is that my new music will continue to reflect my growth as an artist, and I’m eager to explore new sounds and ideas. Fans can definitely expect some surprises and a lot of new music that I hope will resonate with them as much as my previous work has.

SU: How do you see the Ugandan music scene evolving, and where do you fit into that vision?
Emilian Starz: The Ugandan music scene is growing and evolving rapidly, and it’s an exciting time to be a part of it. There’s so much talent and creativity coming out of Uganda right now, and I see myself playing a vital role in this evolution. I want to contribute to the innovation and diversity of our music, bringing my own unique sound to the table while also collaborating with other artists to push boundaries. My vision is to see Ugandan music recognized on a global scale, and I’m committed to being a part of that journey.

SU: If you could give advice to young, aspiring artists in Uganda, what would it be?
Emilian Starz: My advice to young, aspiring artists in Uganda is to stay persistent and passionate about your craft. The music industry can be tough, but if you stay true to yourself and your vision, you can overcome any obstacle. It’s also important to be respectful and build strong connections within the industry. Networking and learning from others can open doors and provide valuable opportunities. Most importantly, never lose sight of your unique voice—embrace what makes you different and let that shine through in your music.

SU: Any final remarks to your fans and our readers?
Emilian Starz: I just want to say a huge thank you to all my fans for their incredible support. Your love and encouragement mean everything to me, and I’m so excited for what’s ahead. I’m working hard to bring you new music that I hope will inspire and uplift you. I also want to thank Pepper Reporter for giving me this platform to share my story. I’m grateful for every opportunity to connect with my fans and readers, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for all of us!

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