Dr. Dre Gets Olympic Training Offer … From Archery Gold Medalist!!



If Dr. Dre is serious about competing in archery at the 2028 Los Angeles Games, he has a two-time Olympic gold medalist in his corner willing to help him bring home the gold!!

Justin Huish — a fellow Cali native — was thrilled after the hip hop icon revealed he wants to participate in the Olympics archery event in four years … telling TMZ Sports he believes he can succeed — even at 59 years of age.

“Anyone can do it at any age. There’s not really an age limit,” Huish said. “You can be a phenom and you don’t really know.”

Huish — who recently competed in the Outdoor Nationals in Texas — feels it makes sense for him to link up with Dre to help him achieve his dreams … and they both live in SoCal, so traveling is no issue.

“I’ll come to your house,” the 49-year-old said, “I will train you. I will dedicate my time to train with you.”

On top of that, Huish — who won two Olympic golds in archery — said he could get Dr. Dre in contact with the right people, including Team USA coaches.

“If you’re really serious about this, hit me up. We’ll make it happen!”



Huish — who missed the Tokyo Olympics — is also looking to compete in the 2028 Games, especially since it’s on “home soil.”



Hopefully, we see these two letting the arrows fly together here soon.


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