Padyere County in Nebbi District MP hopeful Mr. Denis Olyeko Oryema has promised to create employment and improve agriculture market in Padyere County once he is elected the Member of Parliament come 2026.

The Real Estate guru turned politician said there is high unemployment rate in Nebbi due to lack of industries and ready Market for their agriculture produce.

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He said the district is engaged in mango, orange and cotton growing but unfortunately people are still using traditional agriculture methods which results in low production.

As a result, Hon. Olyeko wants to modernise agriculture for total commercial production. He also wants to eliminate middle men who are cheating the farmers by setting up industries in the area to use the available raw materials and produce final products to fetch more money for farmers.

Denis Olyeko Oryema

He also wants to lobby government to improve on the road network in the area so as to attract investors.

Being one of the founders of the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) of Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba during COVID_19 lockdown alongside Hon. Balaam, Hon. Olyeko is in a better position to fix the challenges of Padyere County once he is given a mandate in 2026.

He is also a good lobbyist and is already doing so in Canada and the United States of America (USA) as well as UK for Nebbi District.

Padyere County people we talked to confirmed to us that Olyeko is the man.

They say if Hon. Orombi has failed as LCV chairman, how will he manage as the MP. He has failed to improve Road network and service delivery in the area.

On the current MP, people say Hon. Otimgiw is not checking on people. He is not pro-people. He rarely comes back to check on his constituents and people are accusing him of not being there for them in need.

They have accused him of not being effective on social services delivery supervision. He has also abandoned his voters ever since he was given the mandate. Hon Otimgiw Isaac Ismail has never moved on the streets of Parombo Town, his home trading centre ever since he was elected area MP.

Being a moslem, he finds it very difficult to join locals and buy them alcohol or pork which are their preferences. This is why they are finding it difficult associating with him making him vulnerable for 2026.

Hon. Otimgiw and Orombi have been accused of being in blame games all the time instead of working for the people.

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